Suspensions / rigging

Suspensions / rigging

Submitted by Nicola Clark on Tue, 01/23/2024 - 13:57

If you require suspension points above your stand please contact RES.

Please also refer to 'Hanging Signs Information' which can be found in the 'Stands (Built by you)' section of this portal.

Suspensions / rigging

Submitted by Nicola Clark on Mon, 10/02/2023 - 18:50

The DWTC are responsible for all rigging orders and queries.

Please note that any banners suspended above your stand will be subject to an exposure fee of $39 per sqm.

Please ensure it is clear you wish to suspend a banner above your stand when submitting your stand designs.

This cost is NOT a cost for rigging points.

Suspensions / rigging

Submitted by siteAdmin on Mon, 04/17/2023 - 12:28

To comply with Dubai Municipality lifting regulations as of 1st September 2016 any company using manual or electric chain hoist within the venue will be required to supply a valid test certificate.

To ensure a smooth transition for any company who may not be aware of these regulations we have attached the following:

1. A list of accredited inspection bodies who carry out inspection, testing and certification.
2. Dubai Municipality regulations for the frequency of testing lifting accessories and lifting equipment.
3. A valid test certificate for reference.

Suspensions / rigging

Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

The Brussels Exhibition Centre has the exclusive right to approve & supply suspensions and rigging from the roof and building structure. Please visit the Brussels Expo Webshop if you require this service. Please note that banners suspended from the ceiling are permitted only above stands that exceed 32sqm in size. Banners may only be suspended above the exhibitors’ own stand and must be inside the perimeter of the standby at least 2 metres on any side. 

Suspensions / rigging

Submitted by Savitha Abreo on Mon, 01/16/2023 - 16:19

Rigging requirements must be submitted along with images of the banner design and a grid scale drawing illustrating the position of the banner in relation to the exhibitor’s stand. 

Suspensions / rigging

Submitted by Savitha Abreo on Tue, 10/11/2022 - 05:23

To comply with Dubai Municipality lifting regulations as from 1st September 2016 any company using manual or electric chain hoist within the venue will be required to supply a valid test certificate.

To ensure a smooth transition for any company whom may not be aware of these regulations we have attached the following:

Suspensions / rigging

Submitted by Savitha Abreo on Thu, 07/21/2022 - 12:01

All rigging within the venue must be carried out by Unusual Rigging. Banners must not project on to the aisles or a neighbouring stand and must be hung within the perimeter of your stand. 

The trim height for all signage banners at the show is 6 metres (meaning the underside of all signage banners must be trimmed at 6m). For rigged stand design elements, these will be reviewed & assessed on a stand-by-stand basis.

There will be an exposure fee of USD80 per sqm, with a minimum fee of USD500 in addition to the rigging charges.

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