Electricity is not included in the space only stands. You need to order your stand electricity requirements.
Shell scheme stand electricity includes:
- 3 x spotlights LED with arm (yellow light)
- 1 x socket 500W
If you need extra electricity for your Shell Scheme stand download the electrical form.
Space Only Exhibitors should use the order form in Section 6 of the manual for their electrical requirements. Please specify with PX System if you require a power supply at a specific time (aside from the open hours of the show) i.e. 24 hours or during the build-up or breakdown period.
A surcharge of 100% of electrical equipment will be added for 24-hour operating services.
The standard supplies are 220V and 380V with approximately 10% fluctuation. For safety of your equipment, please use a stabilizer.
On the breakdown day, (Saturday 11 February 2023) power to all stands will be switched off 30 minutes after the close of the show.