
Space Only Stands / Stands Built by You
Power is not included in the space only stand package. Electrical mains & power supply requirement must be ordered through the official supplier – GES. The appointed stand contractors must have their own distribution board (DB) or may order separately with GES.

Packaged Stands / Stands Provided by Us (Show Ready / First Time Exhibitor / Vista Pods)
The following supply will be provided as part of the package:

  • 1 x 3-pin 500watt electrical socket per stand
  • Mains Power Supply and consumption during show open days

Outdoor Pavilion:
Electricity is not included in the outdoor pavilion. Please contact Mr. Paul Booth paul.booth@informa.com for your requirements.

Chalet Exhibitors:
Electricity is not included in chalets. Please contact Mr. Paul Booth paul.booth@informa.com for your requirements.

Go to ‘Actions/Links’ below to order Space Only electrics from GES.
