
Don't forget to advertise your presence at the show to your customers and prospects. Here are just a few ways that you can do it:

  1. Advertise with Labels & Labeling. Labels & Labeling is the official media partner of Labelexpo India 2022 and is responsible for producing the show guide and floor plan. It is an ideal way to build exposure before, during and after the show. Plenty of printed and online options are available.
  2. Send an email to your client and prospect list to let them know they can meet you at the show. If you need help with email marketing the Labelexpo India marketing team can assist you. 
  3. Promote your attendance at the show on social media. The official Labelexpo Twitter account is @Labelexpo. Please follow us and remember to include it in your tweets. For example “ABC Company is launching XYZ product at @Labelexpo India”.
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