
Exhibitors responsibility

Informa and Labelexpo take their Health and Safety responsibilities very seriously and it is vital that Exhibitors and their contractors do likewise.   
As an exhibitor, you must ensure the health, safety and welfare of your employees, contractors and attendees as far as is reasonably practicable throughout the exhibition. You should ensure that your actions (or in-actions) do not give rise to accidents, injuries or unsafe working environments, provide proper information, instruction and training and supervise all parties throughout the show.  You should also check that any contractors, suppliers, agents, etc that you may be using have a Health & Safety Policy, suitable to the exhibition environment.

Among the statutory duties owed under Health & Safety legislation the following are particularly relevant, although this list is by no means exhaustive:

  1. Each exhibitor should have a copy of their Company Health and Safety Policy available for inspection on their stand.
  2. A “suitable and sufficient” risk assessment should exist in respect to all the significant risks in the business.
  3. Every employer has a duty to co-operate with other employers (e.g. Exhibition Organizers) when sharing a workplace, whether temporarily or permanently.
  4. Maintain emergency gangways through and to the center of the halls in build-up and dismantle situations - i.e. do not leave items in the gangway.
  5. All operatives must wear suitable protective clothing relevant to their job, which includes eye, ear, foot and hand protection.
  6. All operatives must wear hard hats when working beneath or near overhead working or if this is impracticable, restricting access in such areas.
  7. Ensure safe use and storage of flammable liquids and substances and segregation from waste and other risk areas.
  8. Ensure that portable electric tools are used with the minimum length of trailing leads and that such equipment is not left unattended with a live power supply to it.
  9. Stacker trucks are not used by anyone other than fully trained personnel.
  10. Disused fluorescent lights are placed in the trash bins in and around the halls, for safe and proper disposal.
  11. Chemicals and flammable liquids are removed from the exhibition venue after use by the user or, in exceptional circumstances, brought to the attention of the venue-cleaning department for safe and proper disposal.  Such products must not be placed in general trash bins or tips. NO SMOKING is permitted inside the exhibition halls.
  12. Any work area is maintained free from general waste materials that could hazard operatives.
  13. Only scaffolding incorporating standard safety features may be used and that any tower scaffold in use is properly stabilized and propped.
  14. The Organizers’ nominated contractor, RES, will carry out all electrical work within the Halls.
  15. All materials used for construction or display be approved to Local Authority Standards

Key requirements for exhibitors

Exhibitors must appoint a Safety Planning Supervisor to manage your on-site Health & Safety in conjunction with your stand (booth) planning and construction.  This Supervisor will have specific responsibility for managing Health & Safety (including the provision of proper information & instruction, training, guarding & supervision of all parties concerned through the show) and be responsible for the undertaking of the steps below.


1)  Health & Safety Declaration
All exhibitors MUST complete and return this form, enclosed in this section of the manual, by the deadline given to indicate their commitment to Health & Safety at the exhibition.


2)  Risk Assessment
Exhibitor constructing booths of more than 8 ft (2.4m) high MUST undertake a Risk Assessment prior to the exhibition, identifying the hazards present on-site and ways in which you will minimize and control these risks. If you are not employing the Official General Contractor (RES), you must also obtain copies of risk assessments from all your appointed contractors who undertake work on your stand. 


3)  Please familiarise yourself with the Rosemont Public Safety Requirements (see attached file)


Show security will be on duty 24 hours a day from move-in to move-out. Contractors, exhibitors and attendees are required to wear badges at all times during show hours as these will be checked upon entry to the Convention Center. However, show security cannot and should not be counted on to provide more than a presence to inhibit theft. The show hereby gives formal notice to exhibitors that the show and its management, its agents and its official vendors neither offer nor accept responsibility for exhibitors’ property of any kind.

Labelexpo recommends the following measures exhibitors may wish to take to further safeguard their property:

  1. Never leave laptops or valuable merchandise unattended in the booth. Be especially careful during move-in and move-out periods.
  2. Be sure that boxes and cartons cannot be mistaken for trash. Place trash bags in the aisle at the close of each show day.
  3. Hire the services of a guard to provide exclusive presence in their booth overnight. Contact show organizer for details of approved security services that are available.