
It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to maintain their stand or pavilion and to make sure it is in a clean condition at all times. If you are a shell scheme exhibitor your stand will be delivered to you in a clean state in the readiness of the show opening.
Space only exhibitors are responsible for the cleaning of their stands & areas. 

The venue (DWTC) will clean the general communal area of the exhibition grounds, buildings and internal aisles during the show. The cleaning of stands and exhibits is the exhibitor’s responsibility. 

Additional cleaning services can be arranged if required by clicking the link below.

During the build-up and breakdown period, exhibitors and their contractors are responsible for their waste materials.  For health & safety reasons it is essential that all aisles are kept clear of rubbish and other obstructions at all times.  

It is the responsibility of the exhibitor and/or their contractor to identify their waste materials to the cleaners and to make arrangements with the official on-site freight handler to have crates and packing materials stored if they are required at the end of the exhibition.  

All exhibitors and contractors must ensure that they do not discard sharp objects and must ensure that nails and screws are not left sticking out of waste wood – these must be removed or hammered flat. 

The event organiser Tarsus is committed to ensuring that the exhibition is as environmentally responsible as possible. Please help us by keeping waste to a minimum, recycling waste where possible and reporting any incidence of fly tipping to the Organiser. 

Any waste generated during the dressing of your shell scheme should be placed in the gangways for the cleaning contractor to remove prior to the show opening.
All waste must be removed from the exhibition hall. Any items of waste or stand fitting left in the hall at the end of the show will be treated as waste and disposed of and removal costs will be charged to the exhibiting company.
When using the DWTC ordering website you will need to create an account, your exhibitor portal username and password will not work on the website.

When using the DWTC ordering website you will need to create an account, your exhibitor portal username and password will not work on the website.

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