Labelexpo Europe 2023

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Labelexpo Europe 2023
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Rules and Regulations

Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

Back walls: All structural back walls of neighbouring exhibition stands must be properly decorated and finished in white at the rear and against dividing walls above 2.5 metres.

Ceilings: Totally enclosed ceilings are strictly prohibited. Exhibition stand ceilings must not obstruct the sprinklers and shall have an open space of over 50% of the total stand area to ensure fire prevention safety.

Internet / wifi

Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

Brussels Expo is Wi-Fi enabled throughout with a system that has been much improved from previous shows. This will be provided free of charge to all exhibitors & visitors. If you wish to have uninterrupted access you will need to order a hard-wired connection. 


Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

Labelexpo Europe cannot accept responsibility for damage to stands/booths or loss of property on any stand or anywhere else at the exhibition, or during its delivery/removal from the building for any reason whatsoever.

The organisers are not responsible for any loss sustained by exhibitors from fire, theft, damage for any reason, or for personal injury or loss to or by any person employed by the exhibitor or third parties.

Exhibitors are required to provide a valid certificate of insurance to the organizer no later than Friday 1st September 2023.


Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

The only partner we work with is C'accommodation, through them you can access to special discounts unavailable anywhere else.

Health, safety and security

Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

Health & Safety:

It is your legal and moral responsibility to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of everyone sharing your work site at the exhibition. Download, read and submit the Health & Safety document. 



Security Officers will patrol the halls throughout the build-up, open days and breakdown of the exhibition both day and night. 

Exhibitors are advised that exhibitions tend to be relatively insecure environments and that security guards cannot solely watch your stand.  

Furniture / carpet

Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

The official contractor for carpet and furniture is GES. 

All stands are required to have carpet or floor covering.  

Shell Scheme and Package Stand exhibitors, your stand will automatically be carpeted with LIGHT GREY carpet. 

The gangways will be carpeted in DARK GREY throughout. 


Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

GES has been appointed as the official electrical contractor and you can order their services by completing the order form using the link below. 

If you have a space only stand or basic shell scheme stand electricity is not included and you are responsible for placing the orders. 


 If you have ordered a Package Stand from the Organiser, you will automatically receive the following: 

Package Stand: 

3 x spot lights 

1 x 500w socket 

(nb: quantity varies depending on stand size) 

Compressed air

Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

GES has been appointed as the official compressed air contractor for Labelexpo Europe and you can order their services by completing the order form using the link below. 

Cleaning / recycling

Submitted by Helen Nagle on Fri, 03/10/2023 - 10:11

All exhibitors are responsible for arranging their own stand cleaning and may employ the services of the official cleaning company or their stand contractor. 

PLEASE NOTE: Exhibitors and contractors are responsible for the removal of all their waste after the show, leaving no exceptions. You will be charged for any leftover waste items.  

Ink Disposal: we will have Ink Disposal bins in the halls for you to dispose your ink. 


Subscribe to Labelexpo Europe 2023