
Back walls: All structural back walls of neighbouring exhibition stands must be properly decorated and finished in white at the rear and against dividing walls above 2.5 metres.

Ceilings: Totally enclosed ceilings are strictly prohibited. Exhibition stand ceilings must not obstruct the sprinklers and shall have an open space of over 50% of the total stand area to ensure fire prevention safety.

Construction materials: the selection of construction materials for exhibition stands must comply with criteria issued by relevant national authoritative departments regarding material usage for temporary buildings and be implemented in a rational way by taking into consideration the features of the exhibition. The selected materials must conform to national requirements on environment protection and firefighting.

Damages to the facilities: All construction institutions must not damage the facilities in the exhibition hall. They are not allowed to drive nails, punch holes, paste adhesives, apply paints or post advertisements within the exhibition hall, on the exterior floor or wall surfaces.

Dangerous tools: Processing tools such as electric saws or electric planes shall not be used for construction inside the exhibition hall nor shall open fire operations such as electric welding or pneumatic welding.  

Doors and windows: To avoid accidents, all doors and windows along gangway edges must open inwards.  Other doors and windows that open outwards should not exceed beyond the site boundaries.

Double-decker stands: Please contact the organiser for further information regarding mezzanine levels.

Emissions, exhaust and fumes:  Any exhibit or process which generates, blows out or otherwise emits fumes, exhaust or smoke is subject to the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988. All such processes must be arranged to have an effective destructor and filter system and/or an effective exhaust to the outside atmosphere as approved by Brussels Expo Centre. The Organisers reserve the right to shut down any machine that is not emissions compliant at any time. In any case, machine exhaust outlets should be arranged not to discharge filtered fumes below 4 metres in height and where possible these should be ducted outside the building. Brussels Expo Centre has technicians who can provide suspension and hanging of necessary ducts.  

Brussels Expo is offering a complete service to this end for exhibitors who require extraction solutions for their machines. For further information please contact Nathalie Vancamp n.vancamp@brussels-expo.com.  

Flooring/Carpet: All booths must be carpeted or laid with some form of flooring as clear demarcation of contracted space. All carpet and floor coverings must be fixed with double side tape to be removed during the dismantling period. The use of paints of other adhesives is prohibited.

Fire: No inflammable or explosive materials shall be used for the construction of an exhibition stand and no paint spraying, or paint coating shall be carried out inside the exhibition hall.

Fire Extinguisher: If your stand is more than 72sqm you must provide a fire extinguisher (6kg powder) on your stand.

Glass: For exhibition stand structures decorated with glass ornaments, the glass must be safety glass to ensure security in construction and installation and must be marked with conspicuous signs in order to prevent glass breaking.

Health & Safety: The structure of all exhibition stands must be reasonably designed to ensure security and safety. The construction materials shall be non-flammable or fire retardant.  
Once the exhibition starts, the contractor must appoint an on-site safety principal and dedicated personnel to stay on duty at the site in order to facilitate problem handling when issues arise.

Height:  Exhibitors are required to construct freestanding partition walls between their own & adjoining stands. These must be to a minimum height of 2.5m and maximum height of 4m for single storey stands over 24sqm in size.  Note: Where partitioning walls are constructed over 2.5m in height, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor constructing the wall to dress the rear of the partition wall down to a height of 2.5m in white. All space only stands must be approved for construction by the organiser.  

Maximum build height for stands is as follows:

  • Island stands (open on 4 sides)    5 metres
  • Stands 24sqm and above    4 metres
  • Stands under 24sqm in height    3 metres

For this edition of the show the rigging height for all banners/truss will be 6.5 metres to the top side of the truss/banner/  

Any exceptions must be in writing from the Organiser. Please contact Claire Comery.

Please note that in some instances, due to height restrictions in the halls it may NOT be possible to build or rig to the heights mentioned or at all. Please contact the Organiser if you have any questions. This specifically refers to stands on the perimeter of the halls.

Please note that the back of all stands above 2.5 metres MUST be dressed and finished in white. Please note all space only stands above 2.5 m in height require approval from the Organiser. Refer to “Approval of Stand design”.

Logos and branding are not permitted on the rear face of partition walls when these walls overlook neighbouring stands.

Machinery & Apparatus: All machinery and operated apparatus must be fitted with guards and must only be demonstrated or operated by persons authorised by the exhibitor.

NB Electrical mains for machinery – Please be aware that all mains supply to machines need to have RCD protection @ 300ma max. The voltage is 3 phase 400v 50hz. It is essential that ALL equipment is prepared pre-site for the venue voltage and also RCD protection.

Exhibitors are recommended to provide their own transformers where required however these can be provided with prior notice through our contractor GES at an additional charge. Please contact labelexpoeurope@ges.com for further information.

It is essential that any special requests for large mains supplies (over 200a 3 phase) or general requests related to RCD protection or voltage stabilizers are requested prior to the return date on the order form.

No mains supplies will be energised unless both GES and the venue are fully satisfied that the installation meets the full requirements of the venue in relation to equipment, cable and means of protection.

Obstruction of gangways: No part of any stand or exhibit, including fascia, signs, lighting, corner posts, etc., shall project into or over the gangway or obscure any fire or exit signs and the Organisers reserve the right to remove any such item.

Open frontages / solid walls: Stand walls (above 1.5m in height) that are on a gangway facing another exhibitors’ stand should not exceed 4m in length without an opening or glazed panel of at least 1m in width and 2.5m in height. Walls should either have natural breaks, glazed panels or an open view. In circumstances where an opening or vision panel is not practical, such as the wall of a plant room behind a machine, then a plan must be submitted, and written permission given from the Organiser for an exception to the above rule.  

Partition walls: You are required to build a freestanding partition wall between you and your adjoining stand. The walls must be to a minimum height of 2.5m and a maximum height of 4m. Where partitioning walls are constructed over 2.5m in height, it is compulsory to dress the rear of the partition wall down to a height of 2.5m in white.

Planning: Contractors shall complete the construction within the prescribed time and area and take care of security work such as fire and burglary prevention.  

Platforms: The general height of the platform may not exceed 100 mm (4”) but areas may be super-elevated for display purposes. Corners should be rounded off and platforms should incorporate a ramp into their design for accessible access.

Radioactive substances, lasers, obnoxious substances & flammable oils: Specific regulations exist concerning the exhibiting of such items & their use is prohibited without prior permission from the Brussels Exhibition Centre. Please forward written requests to the Organisers giving full details of the intended activity & any control measures to be taken.

Schedule: At the close of the exhibition, it is the joint responsibility of the exhibitor and contractor to dismantle and remove the stand in accordance with the dismantling schedule specified by the Organisers. All debris and carpets must be cleared by the exhibitors and/or contractors. Failure to do so will result in exhibitors being liable for a fee.

Stand Numbering: All exhibitors should display their company name and stand number prominently on their stand so that they can be viewed from each approaching gangway. This will assist visitors in location their position within the hall and the finding the stands they wish to visit.

Strength/ Structure: The designed structural strengths of all exhibition stands shall meet the strength required by the load. During the construction period, efforts shall be made to ensure the overall strength, stiffness, stability, and local stability of the exhibition stand structure. Exhibition stand structures must not use thin load-bearing structural parts with a pipe wall thickness of 0.8mm not shall heavily rusted load-bearing structural parts be used.

Suspensions / rigging:  The maximum height allowed for rigging is 6.5 metres to the top side of the truss or banner.

Waste: removal of rubbish – during the build-up period, exhibitors and contractors will be responsible for the day-to-day removal of debris. All exhibits and stand fitting materials must be cleared from the exhibition hall after the show and charges will be levied for the removal of any abandoned items. All common areas must always be kept unobstructed. All exhibits must be kept within the confines of the stand space and demonstrations must not cause undue congestion and/or obstruction of common areas.

Working at height: When personnel or contractors are working at height, they shall use qualified and safe elevators and operation platforms and be fixed to safety belts. To protect personal safety, a safety zone shall be set up in the surrounding area which should be monitored by dedicated personnel with warning signs set up around the safety zone



  • All stand plans need prior approval, your submission should include:
  • A plan showing within the exhibition
  • A plan view with external dimensions, indicating which sides are open onto gangways, plus the location of any hall column and its dimension to the nearest stand edge
  • Elevation views, indicating clearly the heights of all stand fittings
  • Details of all walling, platforms, demonstration areas, exhibits, graphics, etc
  • Details of materials and fire protection
  • Health and Safety form
  • Contractor details form


The deadline for the submission of stands plans for approval is Friday 21st July 2023  



In line with our work to make our events as sustainable as possible we will be introducing a deposit system for all CONTRACTORS of Space only stands for Labelexpo Europe 2023.   
Please see below the charge per stand (this is dependent on stand size)
The deposit must be paid in advance using the order form with ILS, and refunded to contractors at the end of the show provided the following actions are taken:
Any waste is left on the stand (please see waste management for further information to this end)
Any damage occurs to the infrastructure of the hall including floor damage, stains etc
Late breakdown and material left on the stand  


0-50sqm 500 euros
51sqm-200sqm 1000 euros
201sqm +  1500 euros 


The Brussels Exhibition Centre has the exclusive right to approve & supply suspensions and rigging from the roof and building structure. Please visit the Brussels Expo Webshop if you require this service. Please note that banners suspended from the ceiling are permitted only above stands that exceed 32sqm in size. Banners may only be suspended above the exhibitors’ own stand and must be inside the perimeter of the standby at least 2 metres on any side.

Please note some restrictions do apply regarding rigging points in certain halls so please contact the Suspensions department at Brussels Expo for specific information. 

For this edition of the show the rigging height for all banners/truss will be 6.5 metres to the top side of the truss/banner.  

