Exhibitor & visitor parking:
There is plenty of free car parking at the venue on a first come first serve basis.
Priority parking:
There is a priority car park if you wish to use it. Once through the entrance, you will be directed by traffic marshals and signs. To park in this area you must display a priority parking pass (P) on your car. You can buy these passes through the 'Badges/ lead retrieval' form now. Click to view MEBAA_Sample Vehicle Types for Drop Off at Main Entrance.
Bus parking:
There is a specific bus drop-off area next to the main entrance. Once your bus has dropped off passengers, it can be parked in the bus parking area. This area is the pick-up zone, where your passengers can find the bus, on leaving the show. To drop off and park, the bus must display a bus drop-off pass (BDO). You can buy these passes through the 'Badges/ lead retrieval' form now.
For more information on other entry badges including pricing, please go to the 'Badges/ lead retrieval' form.