
Labelexpo India 2024 Build regulations  

Stands (Built by you) 

As a Space Only exhibitor, you have hired the floor space only therefore you are responsible for providing everything within the specified space. 

If you have booked a Space Only stand you will need to order your own carpet, electrics, furniture, utilities and services using the order forms provided in the relevant sections of this portal. 

We strongly suggest you use MEROFORM or Creative Events and Media Services for the event to design and build your stand. They can both provide you with a fully personalised service. They are also fully aware of all relevant legislation and stand-building regulations at the India Expo Mart, which will ensure they are compliant with any relevant regulations.  

If you wish to use an alternative contractor, please ensure you read the following information and pass a copy to your contractors for their information. Your contractors must follow all regulations as detailed below to ensure your plans can be approved in good time thus avoiding potential problems and costly amendments.  


Contact: LabelexpoIndia.plans@blue-lemon.net  

Mandatory Submissions: All required documents, including Risk Assessment, Method Statement, Insurance Undertaking, and Better Stand, must be submitted along with the stand design. 

Submission of Stand Plans - Full dimensional stand design drawings must be in English, to a recognised scale not less than 1:50 and be submitted no later than 26 September 2024. The plans must show: 

a)    Location within the exhibition; 
b)    Views with external dimensions, indicating which sides are open onto gangways, plus the location of any hall column and its dimension to the nearest stand edge; 
c)    Elevation views, indicating the heights of all stand fittings; 
d)    Details of all walling, platforms, demonstration areas, exhibits, graphics, etc; 
e)    Details of materials and fire protection. 



Mandate Documents and Design Guidelines 

Stand Construction 
Stands may be installed conventionally or using modular system elements. Materials standard in exhibition stand construction are to be used for floor and wall coverings/ceilings. 

Introduction - All work must be carried out in conformity with the requirements of the India Expo Mart. Should you have any queries, please contact the Organisers. Failure to observe these regulations may result in delays, restrictions and criminal proceedings against the exhibitor. 

Notification of Contractors - Exhibitors must notify the Organisers as soon as possible of the names of their stand contractors via the 'Better Stands Pre-Show Questionnaire / Contractor details form - Labelexpo India 2024 Form' found below. Please view the Sustainability section to read about our Better Stands initiative.  

Design of Stand - The design of the stand must be such that the stand can be erected and dismantled within the time given. 

Maximum Height: The maximum height of the construction is 4 metres for bare space booths including mezzanine level (applicable to booths 72 m2 and above, the maximum area of which is 50% of the booth area contracted).  

Walls regulation: The rear and side walls should be 2.5 metres high. Structures/exhibits (mounted or otherwise) between 2.5 mts. & 3.5 mts. in height must be approved by the organisers and placed at a minimum distance of 1 metre from all sides within the booth. 

Open Frontages - Stand walls (above 1.5m in height) that are on a gangway facing another exhibitors’ stand should not exceed 4m in length without an opening or glazed panel of at least 1m in width and 2.5m in height. Walls should either have natural breaks, glazed panels or an open view. In circumstances where an opening or vision panel is not practical, such as the wall of a plant room behind a machine, then a plan must be submitted, and written permission given from the Organiser for an exception to the above rule.  

Obstructing Gangways - No part of any stand or exhibit, including fascia, signs, lighting, corner posts, etc, shall project into or over the gangway or obscure any fire or exit signs and the Organisers reserve the right to remove any such item.  

Free area: It is advisable to keep at least 30% of the floor area free for smooth movement of visitors ensuring equal access & information to all.  

Floor/platforms: All booths that have wooden floor/platforms should compulsorily provide 1 metre wide ramp for wheel-chair access on at least one side & within the periphery of their booth. The access ramp must be clearly shown in the booth design at the time of submission of the design for approval.  

Advertising/logos limitations: Exhibitors/contractors are not allowed to put advertising, logos, signs etc. on any rear surface of their booth when these surfaces are adjacent to a neighbouring exhibitor’s booth.  

Boundaries: Structures of bare space booths should remain within the boundaries of the space contracted and should not protrude into adjacent booths or aisle spaces.  

Electrical fitting and wiring: All electrical fittings and wiring should be undertaken by a licensed electrician only.  

Inflammable materials: The use of inflammable materials for decoration of the booth is prohibited unless such decorations are treated with fire–retarding substance.  

Heating appliances: The use of heating appliances is strictly prohibited.  

Prefabricated structures: Only Prefabricated structures will be permitted for bare-space booths. (No construction work will be allowed onsite, except for minor fixing & touch-ups),  




PPE: The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is mandatory where there is a foreseeable risk of a requirement to prevent injury.  




Timber - All timber less than nominal 25 mm (1 inch) in thickness and plywood, hardboard, block board and chipboard less than 18 mm (3/4”) must be rendered flameproof by a recognised process to a Class 1 standard when tested in accordance with BS 476 part 7 - 1971.  Ply-Hard and pulp boards which have been rendered flameproof in a manner approved shall be branded with a recognised mark. 

Plastics - The use of plastic of a grade less than Class 1 BS 476 Part 7 - 1971, whether in stand construction or display arrangements is prohibited.  Limited amounts of plastic materials of a grade better than Class 3 can be permitted providing the details are submitted prior to construction. 

Textile fabrics - unless incombustible - may not be used for partitioning stands or for forming offices or the back or sides of stands and so far as they may be used for decorative treatment of such portions, the fabric must be backed with materials similar to that required for the construction of the stands.  They shall be fixed taut to the backing board and secured at floor level by a skirting board not less than 75 mm deep. 

Paints - All painting must be carried out in water paint.  Finishes that have a base of oil or cellulose must not be applied on site. 

Carpet Tape - When fixing your own carpet, please note that only low adhesive exhibition carpet tape may be used. You must remove all carpet tape at the close of the exhibition and charges will be levied for non-compliance.  Please specify details when you submit your stand plan to the Organiser. 


Mains Supply - Compressed air, water and waste services can be ordered using the forms in the relevant sections of this portal. Services will be supplied via under floor service ducts and must be controlled by a mains stopcock fitted in rigid metal piping and in an accessible position on your stand. 

Compressed Gases - All stands proposing to use compressed gases must first obtain written approval from the Fire Office – no use will be permitted without this authorisation. Details can be submitted to the Organisers and should show the gases or liquid proposed and the sizes of their cylinders or vessels with their working pressures. Where compressed air, oxygen, hydrogen, dissolved acetylene or liquid under pressure is supplied in steel cylinders, such cylinders must bear test marks in accordance with Government recommendations and may only be brought into the halls with the prior consent of the Fire Officer. Other vessels containing liquids or gases under pressure must be fitted with approved safety valves and a certificate in respect of a recent pressure test by a recognised authority must be available for inspection for each vessel.  

Cylinders must not be stored on the stand but in the gas cylinder store under control of the Fire Officer and exhibitors should liaise directly with the lifting contractor concerning their transportation between the store and the exhibitors’ own stand. 

All piping for compressed air, gases, etc must be of rigid tube with welded or screwed connections. 

Compressed Air – Please note that portable compressors are not permitted at the India Expo Mart for Health & Safety reasons. It is imperative that you order Compressed Air through the official contractor (see 'Compressed Air' Section of this manual) in advance as portable compressors will not be permitted. 


COSHH - The use of all toxic & hazardous substances is prohibited without written approval from the Organiser. Applications should be accompanied by a risk assessment including details of measures taken protecting employees & workers on adjacent stands. They should be submitted at least one month before the exhibition.  

Emissions, Exhaust & Fumes - Any exhibit or process which generates, blows out or otherwise emits fumes, exhaust or smoke is subject to inspection by the Organisers. 

The Organisers reserve the right to shut down any machine that is not emissions-compliant at any time. 

In any case, machine exhaust outlets should be arranged not to discharge filtered fumes below 3 metres in height and where possible these should be ducted outside the building.  

Machinery & Apparatus - All machinery & operated apparatus must be fitted with guards & must only be demonstrated or operated by persons authorised by the exhibitor. 

Welding - Where welding & other heat-generating operations are carried out adequate precautions against damage to property or injury to persons by fire or hot metal are taken. 

Radioactive Substances, Lasers, Obnoxious Substances & Flammable Oils - Specific regulations exist concerning exhibiting such items & their use is prohibited without prior permission from the venue. Please forward written requests to the Organisers giving full details of the intended activity & any control measures to be taken. 

General Regulations at India Expo Mart for Booth Construction 

Management Regulations for Construction of ALL stands: 
1)    All exhibitors should select the contractor with proven qualifications to construct their booth and are obliged to require the contractor to implement the construction considering the relevant regulations and construction specifications and carry out corresponding safety measures. 
2)    The structure of all exhibition stands must be reasonably designed to ensure security and safety. The construction materials shall be non-flammable or fire retardant 
3)    The designed structural strengths of all exhibition stands shall meet the strength required by the load. During the construction period, efforts shall be made to ensure the overall strength, stiffness, stability and local stability of the exhibition stand structure. 
4)    The area of exhibition stand constructed by each contractor must comply with the area specified in the submitted application. The area of construction of an exhibition stand must not exceed the leased area. 
5)    For exhibition stand structures decorated with glass ornaments, the glass must be safety glass to ensure security in construction and installation and also must be marked with conspicuous signs in order to prevent glass breaking. 
6)    All structural back walls of neighbouring exhibition stands must be properly decorated and finished in white at the rear and against dividing walls above 2.5 metres. 
7)    Totally enclosed ceilings are strictly prohibited. Exhibition stand ceilings must not obstruct the sprinklers and shall have an open space of over 50% of the total stand area to ensure fire prevention safety. 
8)    All construction institutions must not damage the facilities in the exhibition hall. They are not allowed to drive nails, punch holes, paste adhesives, apply paints or post advertisements within the exhibition hall, on the exterior floor or wall surfaces. 
9)    When each contractor is construction an exhibition stand, it shall not create an obstruction in front of fire-fighting facilities, electric equipment, emergency exits and audience passages etc inside the exhibition hall. 
10)    No inflammable or explosive materials shall be used for the construction of an exhibition stand and no paint spraying or paint coating shall be carried out inside the exhibition hall. 
11)    When personnel or contractors are working at height, they shall use qualified and safe elevators and operation platforms and be fixed to safety belts. To protect personal safety, a safety zone shall be set up in the surrounding area which should be monitored by dedicated personnel with warning signs set up around the safety zone. 
12)    Once the exhibition starts, the contractor must appoint an on-site safety principal and dedicated personnel to stay on duty at the site in order to facilitate problem handing when issues arise. 
13)    Contractors shall complete the construction within the prescribed time and area and take care of security work such as fire and burglary prevention. Contractors must appoint a site principal at the construction site, whose registration and filing shall be done at the time of completing construction formalities. 
14)    Processing tools such as electric saws or electric planes shall not be used for construction inside the exhibition hall nor shall open fire operations such as electric welding or pneumatic welding.  
15)    The selection of construction materials for exhibition stands must comply with criteria issued by relevant national authoritative departments regarding material usage for temporary buildings and be implemented in a rational way by taking into consideration the features of the exhibition. The selected materials must conform to national requirements on environment protection and firefighting. 
16)    Exhibition stand structures must not use thin load-bearing structural parts with pipe wall thickness of 0.8mm not shall heavily rusted load-bearing structural parts be used. 
17)    All contractors working in the hall must wear identification badges provided by the Organiser. 
18)    Removal of rubbish – during the build up period, exhibitors and contractors will be responsible for the day to day removal of debris. 
19)    Exhibitors and their appointed contractors must strictly adhere to the build up and dismantle schedule. 
20)    All materials must be fire retardant – minimum flame spread rating of Class 2. Artificial plants/flowers are not allowed unless certified as fire-retardant. (Certification is mandatory.) 
21)    All booths must be carpeted or laid with some form of flooring as clear demarcation of contracted space. All carpet and floor coverings must be fixed with double side tape to be removed during the dismantling period. The use of paints of other adhesives is prohibited. 
22)    At the close of the exhibition, it is the joint responsibility of the exhibitor and contractor to dismantle and remove the stand in accordance with the dismantling schedule specified by the Organisers. All debris and carpets must be cleared by the exhibitors and/or contractors. Failure to do so will result in exhibitors being liable for a fee. 
23)    Portable compressors are NOT permitted – mains compressed air MUST be ordered via the form found in 'Compressed Air' section of this portal. 
24)    The maximum allowed height is 4 meters, including fascia/branding. The common wall should be contained at 2.5 meters. 
       Island Stands: At least 50% of each side must remain open. 
25)    Accessibility Requirements: All bare space stands must include a ramp and a vision panel. 
