
You must obtain your own insurances to exhibit at the Show. See clause 9* of the contract.  At a minimum Informa requires you to maintain general liability insurance:
1.      while you are at the Show (including move in and move out dates) – Please refer to the ‘Schedule’ section in this portal
2.      for a coverage of at least $2,000,000; and
3.      that names Informa as an additional insured.
You must send Informa a copy of your valid insurance certificate for the above insurance by 31st July 2024 - please email it to help@labelexpo.com
*Exhibitor/Sponsor and/or their workmen, staff, representative or agents.
9.Insurance: The Exhibitor/Sponsor shall be required to effect policies of insurance in respect of the following risks and hereby warrants that it has, or will obtain before the Exhibition, the following levels of insurance:
Public liability insurance against personal injury, death or damage to or loss of property for a limit of indemnity not less than $2,000,000.

The Organizers shall be entitled to inspect such public liability policy in which the Exhibitor/Sponsor shall make available on request by the Organizers.

For the purposes of your insurance company the correct company/address for the organiser is:

6300 N River Road, Suite 301
Rosemont, IL 60018
United States
