

Your stand insurance is included as part of your participation contract (part of the admin fee). The insurance is activated upon payment of your contract which enables the benefit of the Extended Cover described below.


Informa arranges insurance in respect of its own liabilities, which may be extended to enable exhibitors to benefit from the cover provided (the Extended Cover). Informa does not provide any advice concerning the Extended Cover and it is for each exhibitor to assess the summary of the terms given below and decide if it is adequate to cover that exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition. In return for the payment of the administration fee (including insurance cost) by the exhibitor, Informa will extend the benefit of its insurance to that exhibitor and seek to make a claim against its insurers on behalf of the exhibitor in the event of a claimable loss under the terms of the Extended Cover. Informa may also, at its complete discretion, reimburse exhibitors for some or all of their covered losses which fall within the excess values below. An exhibitor should give notice to Informa of any potential claimable loss as soon as possible. If the insurers agree on the claim, Informa will arrange to have that part of the claim that relates to the exhibitor’s loss reimbursed to the exhibitor. Exhibitors have no right to make a direct claim against Informa’s insurers under the Extended Cover and have no right to be reimbursed for any loss if the insurer does not agree on the claim or if the claim is for less than any applicable excess amount. Informa is under no obligation to the exhibitor to commence any legal proceedings or threaten to start any proceedings in respect of such a claim. Claiming under the Extended Cover where an exhibitor has paid to benefit from the Extended Cover, and there is an occurrence that may give rise to a claim, the exhibitor must advise Informa in writing immediately (but no later than 7 days from the closing date of the exhibition) and provide all related documentation that is necessary to assess the claim. Exhibitors undertake to cooperate with Informa, the insurers/underwriters, and the designated loss adjuster (if any) with any investigations surrounding the claim. Informa undertakes to promptly forward to the insurers/underwriters and the designated loss adjuster (if any), within 7 days, any claim submitted to it by an exhibitor pursuant to the Extended Cover and to facilitate any investigations where necessary. Please note that with the exception of public liability claims (which have no excess), an excess amount of US$5,000 applies to any claimable loss under the terms of the Extended Cover. However, Informa may, at its discretion, reimburse exhibitors for losses within this excess. Any fraud, intentional misstatement, or concealment of material information by an exhibitor will result in any benefits under the Extended Cover being forfeited. Any questions relating to insurance should be directed to insurance@informa.com.


Section 1-EXHIBITION EXPENSES Loss expenses directly incurred in connection with the insured exhibition as a result of cancellation, curtailment, interruption, postponement, abandonment, relocation, failure to vacate, or late or non-arrival of exhibits arising from a cause beyond your control. Exhibition expenses include charges for stand or space and service, hire of the stand, transport, costs of installing stands and fixings, deposits paid for accommodation, advertising and printing. The policy does not cover loss of market, loss of profits, delay or any consequential loss, communicable diseases, biological/chemical materials and national mourning. UAE COVER: US$12,500(EXCESS: US$5,000)


Loss of or damage to exhibition property at the venue, including the build-up and breakdown period. Property includes exhibits, stands, display materials and all other property bought onto the stand for the purposes of the insured exhibition. UAE COVER: US$12,500(EXCESS: US$5,000)

Section 3-PHYSICAL LOSS OF MONEY Direct physical loss of money at the venue and while being taken to a bank in the vicinity of the venue during the exhibition. Money includes receipts paid in cash, bank notes, cheques and other negotiable instruments at the venue for registration or tickets for activities directly associated with the exhibition. UAE COVER: US$7,500(EXCESS: US$5,000)

Section 4-PUBLICLIABILITY Legal liability for damages and claimant’s costs and expenses arising out of death, bodily injury, disease, illness or nervous shock sustained by any person (other than yourself or your employees) or loss of or damage to material property arising in connection with the insured exhibition. The limit of indemnity specified applies to each and every occurrence. UAE COVER: US$1,500,000(EXCESS: NIL)
