
DWTC is the exclusive supplier of food and beverage to all exhibitors at the venue. As per DWTC’s policy and Dubai municipality’s hygiene and food safety regulations, it is not allowed to bring any food or beverages from external sources into the premises during the event days. No external catering contractors are permitted.  

While food outlets are available within the venue, DWTC can prepare custom-made menus to accommodate your special requirements. 

Indoor Exhibitor Stand Catering & Beverages (located within the exhibition hall):
Click to view Indoor Stand Catering & Beverage options. Alternatively, please contact support@eventplus.ae for details and assistance.

Chalet and Outdoor Pavilion Catering:
Click to view Chalet Food Menu
Click to view Chalet Beverage Menu
Click to view Coffee Machines

Alternatively, please contact mebaahospitalitysales@dwtc.com for details and assistance.
